There comes a time when unsolved situations is having an adverse effects on a country which finds itself in a serious leadership defects because of the calibre of people piloting the act of governance. The governs will certainly suffers from the short sighted envisioned mediocre leaders who can’t see, hear and take people to their desire destinies.
Leadership is all about vision, vision to grow, to develop, to change bad to good and good to better. Every leader that can’t influence his followers is heading to a catastrophic ends-No good leadership, no good country, a bad country will give bad nation and there is no nation there is no people.
In a situation where many questions were not answered by people who thought “change” is good leadership, “change” is happiness and peace,”change” is all progress in their struggles. Then it becomes a hard nuts of life to crack.
“The major problem of Nigeria since since independence to now is leadership problem” (Prof. Nwabueze), meaning bad leadership journeyed us to where we are in this country (Nigeria). Is it the civil war of 1966-1970? Or the planed revenge coup,deta by Likes of Kaduna Nzeago and the Dinkat Balas, down to the Murtala, Buhari,Babangida and Abacha Eras? Now the country is suffering from all forms of religion disunity (crisis), the security of the country is being threatened by groups like Boko Haram terrorists, Fulani herdsmen terrorists,the Niger delta youths terrorist,the Shiites, tribal and ethnics crisis and the worst of all is political crisis.
Then and now is a migration growth of what I call undreamed and yet to get destination place of our desire. It’s purely years of power struggles that resulted to many years of economy retardation because of the myriads problems I mentioned above confronting the country.
We failed to produced good leaders because of broader Sentimental mentality of either religion inclination, regionalism and sectionalism at the midst of thousands of Nigeria who can fix the country right.
I find a Man in recent times who I describe as an oasis (fountain) of good leadership, a Man with a farther vision, a man with precision dreams to take, change and unite the country than it is. Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, the Turakin Adamawa, Sardaunan Ganye and the Shetiman Borno is an oasis of good leadership who staunch believe in democracy is known to be a fighter of an enduring democracy not only in Nigeria but in whole of Africa.
Most a times i finds it hard to get the right words in describing this giant Man of our time who special love for humanity is cut across all religions races and region, his good life style transcends the live is living from childhood to who he is now.
His experience as an orphan, to a loner, from a loner to a struggler and much later as a government worker, from there to a politician, from politics he diversify to business from business he becomes a philanthropist and now a technocrat who better fit and better ready to lead the country at the centre stage.
Haven known him to be highly endowed with wisdom, tenacity courage and as dogged fighter without missing words this Man be a leader, who is standing at the mountain top and sighted a promise land. A Man with Moses (Musa) spirit of leadership who is ready to face the giants who are the enemies of our dear country, a fearless Joshua who blessed, anointed and commissioned to take Nigerians to where they ought to have been (promised land).
No doubt, Atiku Abubakar is a representation of a good Nigeria,with him I’m okay he will make a good Nigeria out of the present Nigeria we have.
Tom Garba