It is important to realize that just because someone holds a position of leadership, doesn’t necessarily mean they should be called leader, put another way, not all leaders are created equal.

The problem many society are suffering from is a recognition problem they can’t seem to recognize good leaders from bad ones. In today’s article I’ll address how to identify bad leaders by pointing out a few things that should be obvious, but apparently aren’t.

If I only had a nickel for every time I’ve been asked, “is there a simple test that can quickly determine legislative leadership ability?” The short answer is yes, but keep in mind, simple and fast aren’t always the same thing as effective.

There are a plethora of diagnostic tests, profiles, evaluations, and assessments that offer insights into leadership ability, or a lack thereof. My problem with these efforts is they are overly analytical, very theoretical, and very often subject to bias. That said, they are fast, easy, and relatively inexpensive.

The good news is, there is a better way to assess leadership ability. If you really want to determine someone’s leadership prowess, give them some responsibility and see what they do with it. Leaders produce results. It’s not always pretty, especially in the case of inexperienced leaders, but good leaders will find a way to get the job done.

Hon Lovette Idisi has proved himself to be one of the inexperience and worst representative Ethiope constituencies have ever produced. His leadership prowess has loss in the mind of the general public, especially his country home.

Hon. Idisi lacks character and integrity, he will not endure the test of time. It doesn’t matter how intelligent, affable, persuasive, or savvy Idisi is, if Idisi prone to rationalizing unethical behavior based upon current or future needs, he will eventually fall prey to his own undoing.

According to a reliable source, Hon. Idisi he was gun runner. A well known antagonist of his late father who rammed vehicle into his father’s gate, whenever his low on cash for his unholy habit. It’s was a pity to even elect him.

He collected money from his late father by force until enviably gave the man heart ache that culminated into aggravated health situation that killed the hard working urhobo veteran business man of a blessed memory.

Back to constituency issues, recently, Hon Idisi opened a constituency office at Oghara, it is a Clement store. I asked him sometimes ago, where is the allocated money of Ethiope constituency? The fear of Ibori coming home is the beginning to open constituency offices. I laughed!

Hon. Idisi, claimed few days ago, MY MOTION free Ibori’s from the UK prison. Hon. Idisi please stop all this trash of your unsound mind and face the business of the day at the green chamber. Thus, Chief Ibori vividly said this at his Thanksgiving service held in Oghara, and I quote ” very soon I will open my mouth to talk”

Hon. Idisi please open your eyes and learn form your colleagues, stop campaigning when you have no legacy to back it up. Smart Gov. said, only the best political stalwart will return 2019.

Do you really think, you will return?

Constituent writes Idisi

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